- Компанії/
- Limited Liability Company AHROROZKVIT
Limited Liability Company AHROROZKVIT
- Ukraine
- Компанія перевірена
Limited Liability Company "AHROROZKVIT"
AHROROZKVIT LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY has been operating on the Ukrainian market since 2016.
AHROROZKVIT LLC is a subsidiary in Ukraine of the exclusive exporter of Belarusian potash fertilizers of OJSC “Belarusian Potash Company” and a supplier of the entire product line of the plant of OJSC “Belaruskali”.
AHROROZKVIT LLC offers a long-term strategic partnership for the supply of quality mineral fertilizers. The main task of "Ahrorozkvit" is to provide Ukrainian farmers with potash fertilizers in the amount they need.
Великі перспективи розвитку сільськогосподарського сектора нашої країни та добросусідські відносини з Білорусією створюють потенціал для ефективного споживання білоруських мінеральних добрив.
The activities of "Ahrorozkvit" are aimed at ensuring the growing demand for mineral fertilizers among agricultural enterprises, taking into account the peculiarities of the region of growing crops.
Contact Information:
- +38 (044) 207-41-88;
- +38 (067) 434-51-29;